The Craftist tweaks and twiddles all day long, to create items of whimsy that delight the imagination…

Traci Howard, The Craftist
If you would like to purchase anything from Traci, please visit her Etsy Shop
Traci was born at the strike of lightning in sunny South Africa and there there she remained for 19 years. She received a diploma for studying Graphic Design at the Art Foundation in Johannesburg and then spent the next 10 years roaming the world, funded by the many crafts she handmade and sold on beaches, street-corners, cafes, fairs, markets and festivals and to many, many shops. Traci finally settled back home, improved her skills and has since been selling to shops worldwide. She had her own six part TV programme called ‘Fabulous Fairies’ and has been working on a book for the last 15 years and hopes to finish it one day. For now she lives in Leicester, England and looks after her twin boys and sneaks some time to make a few things from the other side of here.